Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Milberg Weiss Trial Date Set

The New York Times reports that Judge John F. Walter has set a January 2008 trial date in the criminal case pending against class action giant Milberg Weiss Bershad & Schulman, LLP and Milberg partners David J. Bershad and Steven G. Schulman.

Additional defendants in the case include Seymour M. Lazar, the former Milberg client that has been accused of serving as a paid plaintiff and Paul T. Selzer, one of the lawyers accused of helping Lazar to launder the payments.

At a hearing earlier this week, prosecutors said a grand jury was investigating possible new charges that could come in a superseding indictment, but that indictment would not include any new defendants. Prosecutors indicated that if they decide to seek the additional charges, they will do so by April 2007.

The case is pending in the United States District Court for the Central District of California, and a copy of the indictment is available here.

The WSJ Law Blog also has a post, here.

1 comment:

Sam Antar said...

I find it particularly distressing that if the allegations are true that members of the very same firm that prosecuted me in the name of rooting out criminality have possibly succumbed to the same level of my former immorality.


Sam E. Antar (Former Crazy Eddie CFO & ex-felon)